FNF vs Tux Trouble REMASTERED (VS Beastie)

FNF vs Tux Trouble REMASTERED (VS Beastie)
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Cel mai Moduri FNF feature badass villains as antagonist, the same goes for this new mod called FNF vs Tux Trouble REMASTERED (VS Beastie). Here your opponent is a red demon named Beastie who wears sunglasses, he is considered as an OG villain in the Friday Night Funkin Games series. So, we welcome him once again as an antagonist for this new and challenging mod which has been remastered, so expect to be way better than the first one! With new muzică and experience, we’re sure you’ll love this one. There are many songs added too, like Hornz, Daemon, Trolling, Troublemakers, Floss and Freestyle: S.T.Y.L.E, Fangz, Exorcism and Flame.
FNF vs Tux Trouble REMASTERED (VS Beastie) Mod Credit:
- Graficare, artă, scriere: wewmu
- Artă, animație: Snohq
- Muzică: Cmyth
- Codificare: SuperPositiveP