Friday Night Funkin' TWIST

Friday Night Funkin' TWIST
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Join us in a new musical battle being featured in FNF, it is called Friday Night Funkin' TWIST. The episode comes with all the songs from Week 3 Vs Pico, but all of them have been remixed to be better. New dialogues and sprites have been added as well. Which is why we’ve invited you to join us and perform the track with absolute perfection. You cannot miss the notes of these tracks, or else you may be off-sync and lose the battle. So, all the best to you!
Friday Night Funkin' TWIST Mod Credite:
- Pereche de chei de mașină: Artist, Codificator și Regizor
- Cuppy: Muzician
- Geo256: Cartă
- BlueRJ: Artist de fundal
- Gianboi: De asemenea, Artist
- JuiceManGuy: a marcat dadbattle ca o legendă, sprijinul moral al CarKeys
- Sk1ttles: ajutor pixel art