Hugggy Wuggy Shooter

Hugggy Wuggy Shooter
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This new game is called Hugggy Wuggy Shooter, it is set in the world of Poppy Playtime, where terrible things have been happening ever since the toy factory got abandoned! No one knows the real reason behind these “happenings'' but there are rumors that it has something to do with the doll Hugggy Wuggy! This was a good doll but has turned out to be really înfricoșător and creepy! Can you figure out the mystery all by yourself? Let’s find out right now! We wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy playing the game!
- AWSD pentru a merge
- Schimbați pentru a alerga
- Mouse-ul pentru a trage
- Roata mouse-ului pentru a schimba arma
- 1-7 taste pentru taste rapide pentru arme
- F la atacul cu înjunghiere 1
- Q la atacul cu înjunghiere 2
- G să arunce grenadă
- T pentru a inspecta armele
- E pentru a scoate armele