Mega Mario World: Un alt univers

Mega Mario World: Un alt univers
Despre Joc
Mega Mario World: Un alt univers is a fan-made rom hack of the classic video game Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Developed by a team of dedicated fans, the game features new levels, enemies, power-ups, and a unique storyline.
The game begins with an opening cutscene, which reveals that Bowser has been defeated and the Mushroom Kingdom is at peace. However, a new villain, known as the Dark King, has emerged and threatens to take over the kingdom. It is up to Mario to defeat the Dark King and save the Mushroom Kingdom once again.
Acest joc conține 67 de niveluri noi, fiecare cu propriile provocări și secrete unice de descoperit. Nivelurile variază de la câmpii tradiționale cu iarbă și peșteri subterane până la locații mai exotice, cum ar fi un castel bântuit și o stație spațială. Jocul include, de asemenea, noi inamici, dintre care unii sunt creații originale, și noi power-up-uri, cum ar fi Sonic Spin Dash și Hammer Suit.
One of the most notable features of Mega Mario World: Un alt univers is its boss battles. Each world features a unique boss, ranging from giant monsters to more creative challenges like a game show. The bosses require a mix of strategy and quick reflexes to defeat, and they provide a satisfying challenge for players.