Shoot Your Nightmare: Space Isolation

Shoot Your Nightmare: Space Isolation
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Have you ever tried to survive in space? If not, then you can do so in this latest game called Shoot Your Nightmare: Spaţiu Isolation. This is an extremely intense and challenging game where you are trapped in a space station! An army of aliens and monsters is coming at you, can you get rid of them and save yourself? Let’s play the game and find out now! Figure out why you are the only one remaining in your spaceship, where did all your crewmates go? Try to survive as long as you can, use weapons to keep the aliens away. We wish you the best of luck, enjoy playing the game!
- Taste WASD / săgeată pentru a vă deplasa
- Bara de spațiu pentru a sari
- Mouse-ul să țintească și să tragă
- Roata mouse-ului pentru a schimba arma
- F pentru a ridica obiectul și a interacționa
- R pentru a reîncărca arma
- Schimbați pentru a alerga
- V pentru atac corp la corp