Веселые рестлеры-рэгдоллы

Веселые рестлеры-рэгдоллы
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Об игре
Веселые рестлеры-рэгдоллы is an online boxing game, as you may have guessed from the title. This is a single as well as two player game, so either throw a few punches alone or call a friend for a challenge! If you succeed at collecting 5 points after each fight, you will win the game. While борьба, you can try various things like running over your opponent or pushing them off the platform. Try your best to knockout the opponent so that you can punch while they’re down and decrease their health. You can also use the super punch at your opponent, you can use this when the bar on screen is full.
Игрок 1 управляет:
- W / S - вперед / назад
- A и D для удара
- E в голову
Игрок 2 Управление:
- Клавиши со стрелками вверх / вниз для перехода вперед / назад
- Клавиши со стрелками влево и вправо для удара
- Правый Shift на попадание в голову