Война 1917 г.

Война 1917 г.
Об игре
Война 1917 г. is a popular strategy game that takes place during World War I. It was developed and published by ConArtist Games and released in 2008. The game is set in Europe and features two main factions, the British and the Germans. Players take on the role of a military commander and must lead their forces to victory through a series of battles.
Геймплей игры Война 1917 г. is divided into two phases: the deployment phase and the battle phase. During the deployment phase, players must select and position their troops on the battlefield. This includes choosing the type of troops to deploy, their weapons and equipment, and their formation. The боевой phase then begins, and players must use their troops to attack and defend strategic positions on the battlefield. The objective of each mission is to either destroy the enemy forces or capture and hold key positions on the map.
В Warfare 1917 представлен широкий спектр юнитов, включая пехоту, снайперов, пулеметчиков, танки и артиллерию. У каждого юнита есть свои сильные и слабые стороны, и игроки должны эффективно их использовать для достижения победы. Кроме того, в игре также представлены различные типы местности, включая холмы, траншеи и реки, которые могут влиять на игровой процесс и должны учитываться при развертывании войск.