Дербі Краш 3
Що Дербі Краш 3 Все про
Дербі Краш 3 - prove yourself as the ultimate dash-n-crash driver! The game comes with renewed graphics and popular rally cars. The track is set in a large field with an open horizon where you can speed through the streets! The main aim of this game is to smash your автомобіль and cause ultimate chaos! Another cool feature of this game is that you get to choose from a range of popular supercars like Porsches and Ferraris. In addition, you can also drive a huge armored battle tank with a working canon! But be careful while ramming your car, immense crashing can cause it to burn and crash!
- Клавіші WASD / стрілки - диск
- Пробіл - гальмо
- R - ремонт