Симулятор руйнування 3D

Симулятор руйнування 3D
Про гру
Симулятор руйнування 3D is a demolition game that lets you take control like never before. Choose from a variety of weapons, including balls, rockets, and even C-4 bombs. Each weapon comes with its own set of customizable attributes like mass, strength, and explosion power, allowing you to tailor your tools of destruction to each new challenge.
Destruction Simulator 3D: новий стандарт в іграх на підривники
This game isn't just about tearing things down; you also get to build them up. The unique construction mode enables you to design buildings from scratch, and then relish in the joy of reducing them to rubble. What sets this game apart is its high degree of customization. You can control the game's speed, manage gravity, and even adjust the destructibility levels of the blocks you're targeting. And if you're on a device with less processing power, don't fret—the game adjusts its performance so everyone can get in on the дію.
- Поворот камери: WASD / стрілки
- Збільшення камери: + -
- Мета: миша
- Стріляти: ліва кнопка миші
Керування від першої особи:
- Рух: WASD
- Біг: Shift
- Стрибок: пробіл
- Мета: миша
- Стріляти: ліва кнопка миші
- Зміна зброї: колесо миші
- Вибух бомби або землетрус: E
- Перезавантажити: Р
- Вихід з меню: Esc