Функіт у п’ятницю ввечері: Зоряне погром (FNF проти CJ)

Функіт у п’ятницю ввечері: Зоряне погром (FNF проти CJ)
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Friday Night Funkin' Starlight Mayhem (FNF vs CJ) is another episode of the FNF series where you will get to enjoy a whole week of music and dance! In this mod, you will see a local музики festival turned into a rap battle! Like always, our favorite couple is on the scene and will battle one of the performers. CJ is among them and seems to know a lot about them. He finds this as a once in a lifetime opportunity and doesn't want to blow his chance to battle the popular couple. Help our beloved couple to defeat him and win the battle. Just try not to miss too many beats. Have fun and good luck!