Friday Night Funkin vs Adamko 2.0

Friday Night Funkin vs Adamko 2.0
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Про гру
We’re here with a fresh new addition from the world of Friday Night Funkin, this one is called Friday Night Funkin vs Adamko 2.0 and it features Adamko as the antagonist. In this 2.0 version, your objective is to perform all the songs assigned to you with absolutely no mistakes. Too many of them can lead to the loss in musical battles, so we hope you’re prepared for it. The tracks are:
- Зламас
- Вигоріла
- Фіолетова ніч
- Побачимось
- Зламас-Старий
- Спалений-Старий
- Фіолетовий-Ніч-Старий
- See-Ya-Old
- Swishy-Old
- Монохромна обкладинка
- Обкладинка аркуша паперу
- Обкладинка Fight-or-Flight
- Обкладинка Exhilaration
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