Mine Shooter Monsters Royale
Що Mine Shooter Monsters Royale Все про
We are once again inviting you to the world of Minecraft, this new game is called Mine Shooter Monsters Royale. You will play the role of a lone survivor, be prepared because some brutal action is about to take place! You just have one mission, it is to kill all the Zombies and Huggy Wuggy after you! Can you survive the wrath of these evil creatures? Let’s get into the game and find out right now! You have to make sure that you score the highest points, for that you will have to shoot as many enemies as you can. Use the coins to buy weapons and other upgrades for yourself. All the best to you, enjoy the game!
Елементи керування:
- Миша стріляти
- WASD рухатися
- Простір для стрибка
- Г кинути гранату
- H до кобури зброї
- Ліворуч Shift для спринту Ліворуч
- Залишив CTRL, щоб присісти
- X схильний
- F для використання елемента
- R для перезавантаження
На які ігри схожі Mine Shooter Monsters Royale?