Mortal Kombat 4
Що Mortal Kombat 4 Все про
This new game is called Mortal Kombat 4 Retro, where you get to choose your favorite character and fight your enemy! This is a classic бойові дії game that has added some new features to it, such as the players can use and equip special weapons during any given combat. Your main objective in the game is to make sure you bring a stop to Shinnok’ s evil plan. Do you think you can do this? Let’s play the game right now and find out! All the best and enjoy your time on the website!
Елементи керування:
- Клавіші зі стрілками – Рух
- Клавіша введення – Пуск
- Пробіл – виберіть
На які ігри схожі Mortal Kombat 4?